==================== beanbag-docutils 1.0 ==================== **Release date:** July 19, 2016 Initial release, featuring: autodoc_utils ============= Enhances autodoc support to allow for excluding content from docs. A module can define top-level ``__autodoc_excludes__`` or ``__deprecated__`` lists. These are in the same format as ``__all__``, in that they take a list of strings for top-level classes, functions, and variables. Anything listed here will be excluded from any autodoc code. ``__autodoc_excludes__`` is particularly handy when documenting an :file:`__init__.py` that imports contents from a submodule and re-exports it in ``__all__``. In this case, autodoc would normally output documentation both in :file:`__init__.py` and the submodule, but that can be avoided by setting: .. code-block:: python __autodoc_excludes = __all__ Excludes can also be defined globally, filtered by the type of object the docstring would belong to. See the documentation for autodoc-skip-member_ for more information. You can configure this in :file:`conf.py` by doing: .. code-block:: python autodoc_excludes = { # Applies to modules, classes, and anything else. '*': [ '__dict__', '__doc__', '__module__', '__weakref__', ], 'class': [ # Useful for Django models. 'DoesNotExist', 'MultipleObjectsReturned', 'objects', # Useful forms. 'base_fields', 'media', ], } That's just an example, but a useful one for Django users. To install this extension, add the following to your :file:`conf.py`: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ ... 'beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.autodoc_utils', ... ] .. _autodoc-skip-member: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/autodoc.html#event-autodoc-skip-member django_utils ============ Adds some improvements when working with Django-based classes in autodocs, and when referencing Django documentation. First, this will take localized strings using :py:func:`~django.utils.translation.ugettext_lazy` and turn them into actual strings, which is useful for forms and models. Second, this adds linking for setting-based documentation, allowing custom settings (from :py:mod:`django.conf.settings`) to be documented and referenced, like so: .. code-block:: rst .. setting:: MY_SETTING Settings go here. And then to reference it: :setting:`MY_SETTING`. To install this extension, add the following to your ``conf.py``: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ ... 'beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.django_utils', ... ] github_linkcode =============== Links source code for modules, classes, etc. to the correct line on GitHub. This prevents having to bundle the source code along with the documentation, and better ties everything together. To use this, simply add the following to :file:`conf.py`: .. code-block:: python from beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.github import github_linkcode_resolve extensions = [ ... 'sphinx.ext.linkcode', ... ] linkcode_resolve = github_linkcode_resolve http_role ========= Provides references for HTTP codes, linking to the matching docs on Wikipedia. To create a link, simply do: .. code-block:: rst This is :http:`404`. If you want to use a different URL, you can add the following to :file:`conf.py`: .. code-block:: python http_status_codes_url = 'http://mydomain/http/%s' Where ``%s`` will be replaced by the HTTP code. To install this extension, add the following to your :file:`conf.py`: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ ... 'beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.http_role', ... ] retina_images ============= Copies all Retina versions of images (any with a ``@2x`` filename) into the build directory for the docs. This works well with scripts like retina.js_. To install this extension, add the following to your :file:`conf.py`: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ ... 'beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.retina_images', ... ] .. _retina.js: https://imulus.github.io/retinajs/ Contributors ============ * Christian Hammond