==================== beanbag-docutils 1.2 ==================== **Release date:** January 21, 2017 New Features ============ * Added :py:mod:`beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.collect_files` for collecting additional files in a build. This is used to copy files (indicated by glob patterns) from the source directory into the destination build directory. Each destination file will be in the same relative place in the tree. This is useful when you have non-ReST/image files that you want part of your built set of files, perhaps containing metadata or packaging that you want to ship along with the documentation. To use this, you just need to add the extension in :file:`conf.py`: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ ... 'beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.collect_files', ... ] And then configure ``collect_file_patterns`` to be a list of filenames/glob patterns, like: .. code-block:: python collect_file_patterns = ['metadata.json', '*.pdf'] Contributors ============ * Christian Hammond