==================== beanbag-docutils 1.3 ==================== **Release date:** May 23, 2017 New Features ============ * Added :py:mod:`beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.intersphinx_utils`, which adds new features for intersphinx lookups. This adds a :rst:dir:`default-intersphinx` directive that allows for specifying one or more intersphinx set prefixes that should be tried if a reference could not be found. For example: .. code-block:: rst .. default-intersphinx:: myapp1.5, python :ref:`some-reference` This does affect the process by which missing references are located. If an unprefixed reference is used, it will only match if the prefix is in the list above, which differs from the default behavior of looking through all intersphinx mappings. This also works around an issue with :rst:role:`option` (see https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/pull/3769 for the equivalent upstream fix). Contributors ============ * Christian Hammond