==================== beanbag-docutils 1.4 ==================== **Release date:** May 25, 2017 New Features ============ * Added a parser for the `Beanbag documentation format`_. This is part of :py:mod:`beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.autodoc_utils`, and is enabled when setting ``napoleon_beanbag_docstring = True`` in :file:`conf.py`. It replaces the Google and Numpy docstring formats, but requires :py:mod:`sphinx.ext.napoleon`. This currently supports: ``Context``: Describes what happens within the context of a context manager. ``Model Attributes``: Describes the attributes on a Backbone.js model. ``Option Args``: Describes options available to a function in JavaScript. This parser also allows types (used in ``Args`` and other sections) to be wrapped across lines. .. _Beanbag documentation format: https://www.notion.so/reviewboard/Standard-Documentation-Format-4388f594d86547cc949b365cda3cf391 Contributors ============ * Christian Hammond