==================== beanbag-docutils 1.7 ==================== **Release date:** June 14, 2018 New Features ============ * Added compatibility with Python 3. This package now supports Python 2.7 and 3.4 through 3.6. * Added new documentation sections for the `Beanbag documentation format`_. This is enabled when using :py:mod:`beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.autodoc_utils` with ``napoleon_beanbag_docstring = True``. This adds: ``Deprecated``: A version in which something is deprecated, and an optional description. This is similar to the ReST :rst:dir:`deprecated` directive. ``Version Added``: A version in which something is added, and an optional description. This is similar to the ReST :rst:dir:`versionadded` directive. ``Version Changed``: A version in which something is changed, and an optional description. This is similar to the ReST :rst:dir:`versionchanged` directive. * Added a Sphinx extension (:py:mod:`beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.ref_utils`) for improving code references. This currently enhances references, allowing both Python and JavaScript references to break paths (like ``foo.bar.MyClass``) across multiple lines. To install this extension, add the following to your :file:`conf.py`: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ ... 'beanbag_docutils.sphinx.ext.ref_utils', ... ] .. _Beanbag documentation format: https://www.notion.so/reviewboard/Standard-Documentation-Format-4388f594d86547cc949b365cda3cf391 Bug Fixes ========= * Fixed handling of multi-line argument types when using the `Beanbag documentation format`_ support. This addresses a case where spaces after a type (such as ``int, optional``) would be lost. Contributors ============ * Christian Hammond